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Lynneville's Long Walk Down the Lane "Laney"
Sire: Sassafras Paradigm Blueberry CGC
Dam: CAN CH Lynneville Fat MaMa TKN

"Laney" at 5 Months
Health Clearances
DOB - 4-17-2021
Yellow - Carrying Chocolate
OFA Hips - Final Clearance 7/2023 Good
OFA Elbows - Final Clearance 7/2023 L-Normal R-GR1
OFA Patella - Normal/Clear 6/2022
OFA Dentition - Full Dentition 6/2022
OFA Cardiac - Cardiac Auscultation Clear 6/12/2022
OFA EYES - Clear 6/12/2022
PRA- Clear
CNM - Clear
EIC - Clear
HNPK - Clear
Copper Toxicosis ATP7A - Carrier
Copper Toxicosis ATP7B - Clear

"Laney" at 8 Weeks
"Laney" is loved and co-owed with Patricia Conte of Sassafras Labradors

"Laney" at 2.5 Years Old

"Laney" above at 20 Months

"Laney" at 5 Months
Notable Wins
10-21-2022 Mid-Jersey Labrador Specialty - 1st Open Yellow - Made the Cut WB under Judge Ron Kelly
10-20-2022 Mid-Jersey Labrador Specialty - 2nd in Open Yellow under Judge Jennifer Kelly ​
10-21-2021 Mid-Jersey Labrador Specialty - 4th in 6-9 month old Sweeps under Judge Donna Forte
10-22-2021 Mid-Jersey Labrador Specialty - 2nd in 6-9 month under Judge Anne Maynard​
10-22-2021 Mid-Jersey Labrador Specialty - 1st in 6-9 month Sweeps under Judge Stephanie Forte​

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